It’s been a long time since I’ve done a recipe for you guys! Today’s dinner was chicken kievs with sweet potato fries and salad. Chicken kievs are one of my favourite comfort foods and I always like the extra garlicy! I’ve made the recipe as simple as possible but it’s a great dish to make for when you have friends around!


  • So the main ingredients are as following:
  • Chicken breasts  (I used mini fillets, but I suggest chicken breast)
  • Butter
  • Garlic
  • Parsley (But I use basil, some people like to use chives)
  • Plain white flour
  • Egg
  • Bread crumbs (can be fresh or dried, I used dried)
  • Sweet Potato
  • Salt/Pepper/ Paprica
  • Olive oil

If you’re wondering what the quantities are… I don’t measure when cooking things like this. So… make it up as you go along.

  1. Finely chop the parsley or basil or chives. Peel and crush the garlic. Get butter out the fridge to let it warm up a bit. I also cut up the butter.
  2. Add these ingredients into a bowl and smush together to make the garlic butter.


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3.Wash and cut the sweet potatoes into fries. Some people like to peel them but as long as you wash it throughly, I like keeping the skin on. If you want, you can also cut them into wedges.IMG_6978


4. I then put them on a baking tray. I season with salt (you can be generous) pepper, paprika and then drizzle with olive oil. I put it into the oven which is set at gas mark 6.


5. Get your chicken breast on a board and cut a slit through the middle. Don’t cut all the way through.


6. Put the garlic butter into the slit you’ve made and close it up. Don’t worry if the flaps don’t stick together.IMG_6981


7. Cover the chicken in flour.IMG_6982

8. In a bowl, whisk the egg. Then dip your flour covered chicken breasts into the egg.IMG_6983


9. Dip your egg and flour covered chicken breast into the bread crumbs.IMG_6984 IMG_6985 IMG_6986


10. Heat some oil in a pan and once the oil is heated (hot) add your chicken breast. Fry on both sides for about 1 minute or two. The pan should be hot for this.  You don’t actually need to do this stage but I find that it makes the chicken kievs more crispy at the end. I also take this opportunity to season the chicken with salt.  IMG_6987 IMG_6988 IMG_6989 IMG_6990

11. I used the remainder of the egg mixture to make an omelette.IMG_6991


12. Put in the over next to your sweet potatoes and cook for a further 10 minutes.IMG_6993


Ta-dah! Simple chicken kiev dinner! The salad is one of those pre-brought packets and the salad dressing I used is a sesame one I got from a japanese grocery store. Mmm.. Super garlicy! IMG_6994 IMG_6995 IMG_7003 IMG_7005