Bunny Ranch prostitute wants to be woman pictured on $10 bill

Air Force Amy, one of bunny ranch’s longest and most famous prostitute has nominated herself to be the first women on an American bill. Whilst she may find it hard logistically, since only deceased people may appear on money, she would certainly represent a more honest person than a politician.

Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

Hot in the news, Sarah Palin’s daughter is pregnant for the second time despite being a huge abstinence advocate. Part of me thinks this is funny, in a sort of “what a hypocrite” way. I believe however that considering the way she’s loved her first child, she’ll love her second child and be fine continuing as a single mother. She should maybe rethink being a representative for abstinence in the future.

This woman predicts football results with her bouncing breasts

Teresa the Tit predicting football results with her breasts

Remember when we had that octopus that predicted football results? Now comes the much more fun and equally accurate scoring by Teresa the Tit on youtube. I may not be watching anymore football than normal, but I’m certainly more interested in the the results now.

Canada helicopter sex chat heard by Winnipeg public

My only disapproval with this situation is that no one has reported exactly what was said. I, for one, would love to know exactly what sort of technique police pilots prefer. After all, without recordings how do we know that the pilots weren’t mistaken for saying “We’re going down! Pull it up! No, harder!”