This week has been a very silly week for sex in the news, with no real scandals for me to report. I like silly however, and I felt a couple of the articles should go hand in hand.

man dressed as giant penis sprays glitter on people at the beach in norway

Norway is being terrorised by a giant penis that sprays glitter.

Of course this is a prank, but unlike many other penis related pranks, this one surprisingly isn’t sexual harassment. Instead it’s a new and fun way to educate people on safe sex, because we all know, if you practice safe sex the world congratulates you by spurting glitter from your penis.

‘Giant butt’ touring U.S. to bring ‘randomness’ to ‘bleak world’

What better to match an oversized penis but an oversized butt? For those of you who like big butts, you can now look out for this giant one which is touring the USA in the hopes of cheering people up. It’s certainly random, butt I wonder if these kind of jokes are a bit behind the times? They’re not ass-ing around at least!

Man masturbates behind Halifax building after failed attempt to climb it

You can tell it’s been a slow news week when a man randomly masturbating in the streets gets reported. I’m sure that there are many people that masturbate behind many buildings each and everyday, but the police are specifically looking for this one who had also attempted to climb it. You know what they say, if at first you don’t succeed, go beat one out in the alleyway.

Should brain-damaged serial masturbator get life in prison? Appeals court says no (poll)

The law is certainly taking masturbating seriously though, since you can get life in prison for it. Of course, this case is special since the man in question won’t stop doing it in front of women and young children, I certainly think it’s something for the doctors rather than prison wardens to figure out.