Jennifer Lawrence Stolen Naked Pictures Scandal!

harriet glamour photoharriet glamour photo

The internet blew up. That’s the only way I can describe what has happened since the whole  Jennifer Lawrence  stolen pictures were posted to the net, along with a bunch of other celebrities I didn’t look to far into. It’s huge news, because everyone loves her and it’s a huge invasion of privacy. However, as a camgirl I have very different feelings about it.

My feelings go along the lines of “Fuck yeah! She takes naked selfies too! She’s just like us!” and then I think “That’s so cruel that someone would hack into the icloud, steal the pictures and post them on the internet, I’d hate for my naked selfies to be distributed everywhere on the net!” and then I remember that I do have naked selfies on the internet. In fact, I posted one of twitter today.

The breach of privacy is a huge deal though. I feel like maybe the news is focussing to much on the Jennifer Lawrence stolen naked pictures, and less on the, someone hacked into the icloud and can get yo’ stuffs. Seriously. Isn’t that a huge deal? Why are we not worrying about that? What else can they take from the cloud? I don’t actually know how to use it, but there’s documents and stuff up there as well as pictures right? Contact info, all that jazz. Also, if you guys have watched “Four Lions” there’s this great line where the guy says “We should blow up the internet”- but the question is, can they blow up the cloud??


However everyone is more interested in the boobs. I have seen the pictures, I was too curious not to. My opinion? She has an amazing body and knows how to take nudes like a pro. I mean, I’ve seen some naked pictures in my time, but hot damn is she hot. If you’re going to do it, then do it right and I think she has nothing to be ashamed of. We all send those sorts of pictures to our boyfriends or friends or whatever. There’s nothing scandalous about it! We’ve also seen her wear some pretty sexy outfits in her various films, and I for one think more is less. If i was going to masturbate over her, I’d probably just stick on one of her films because at least they are in HD.

So what’s the verdict on celebrity nudes? I think it’s interesting because Jennifer Lawrence HASN’T done nudes. Look at Eva Green. She’s shown her body and has had graphic sex scenes on the big screen. I’m sure if they were leaked pictures of her no one would be making such a huge commotion. Also no one thinks Eva Green is a huge mega slut right? No, we all love her and are envious of her/ her lover.

I think when things like this happen the best thing is to just go with it. Yes, those are my tits. Deal with it. BUT that doesn’t mean you can just gloss over the breach of privacy thing. So whilst I feel that the Jennifer Lawrence stolen pictures scandal isn’t so much a scandal, i do think the whole hacking into the icloud thing IS.

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