My 2015 New Years Resolutions

It’s that time of year again guys, and this year is even busier than the last so I’m going to keep it short! Here’s my  2015New Years Resolutions!

  1. Cook More – For my birthday and Christmas this year I was given lots of cooking items, including a multi cooker and a stand up mixer. I can’t transport these to London yet, but I will at some point in the year! I’ll have to look into more one-pot dishes and I can finally get some proper baking done! I’ve also realised that considering I’m a self-confessed foodie, my blog lacks recipes! I want to adapt and post more recipes for everyone, I just have very strict rules on what I want to post. Personally, I only want to offer you guys easy recipes that are delicious but can be made by non-cooks!
  2. Keep In Touch – I never thought about this one much, but I always knew in the back of my mind that I was an antisocial person. I mean, not hermit crab level perhaps, but certainly my ideal weekend involves curling up with a romance novel and some garlic bread. I’ve been so busy this year, I have spent less time with my family than I guess I’m happy to admit. My grandma passing at the start of the year, my dad following some months later, for a long time I felt guilty at my lack of contact. You don’t know what’s going to happen in life, so it’s important to keep those close to you… well close.
  3. Keep Fit – Since my project has propelled me to Italy, my gym regime has died a horrible death. I’ve put on weight again during the christmas holidays and frankly I feel unhealthy. I need to make sure I stay fit, that I don’t let all my progress die away! I enjoy the gym but I’m thinking about finding a sports team or some other activities to do also, for more diversity and motivation.
  4. Be Braver  – This past year has shown my that I’m capable of doing new things, that I’m braver than I thought I was before. Thanks to you guys, I’ve really grown up as a person. I want to live life, and experience more things, so for this year I want to be braver and try out new experiences… properly! Maybe even learn to drive (something I have been scared of for a long time). Of course this goes towards my sex life too, I’ve known I’ve had an exhibitionist side for a while, but I want to indulge that more and try more daring things!
  5. Learn a language – Perhaps not fluently, but I’ve managed to travel a lot this past year and I think knowing multiple languages is an amazing feat. I can’t decide what language though. Common sense says Italian, but my heart belongs in Japan. But would Spanish not be best since so many countries speak it?

There’s so many more things I want to do, but I can’t think of them all right now. I’m scared about what this year will bring, but I’m also excited. I hope you’ll be with me every step of the way! If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them  – there’s things I want to do such as start playing an online game… like WoW or something… or maybe new board games. Or what experiences do you think should be on my 2015 bucket list?

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