Homecook adventures: The mistakes I make in the kitchen

I’d like to think of myself as a good home cook. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, especially when it’s for other people. But being a good cook doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes, in fact, mistakes I make in the kitchen probably out weigh mistakes I make in the bedroom (and there are MANY of those!).

I love combining new flavours together, and nothing makes me happier than being able to create something that’s delicious. However, I’ve met a lot of people who insist they suck at cooking, and use that as an excuse to live on ready meals. Learning to cook is the same as learning anything else, you’re going to make mistakes. I’ve made many, many mistakes. But eating healthy, and eating yummy is so much simpler than you might expect!  I’ve decided to share some of my favourite mishaps.

The Plastic Pizza

When I was younger, I didn’t cook as much as I do now. Well, what 8 year old does? My mum was the housewife and did all the cooking, so when she went back to Vietnam for a couple of weeks on holiday, my dad and I were left eating ready made meals and pizza. This is probably where my hatred of ready made meals comes from… but anyway. One day I decide I’ll cook dinner, and surprise my dad. I got the pizza out the freezer, took it out the box and stuck it in the oven. My dad was certainly surprised when he came home and the house was smokey from all the plastic that was burning in the oven! Whilst I had known to take the pizza out the box, I hadn’t known to take off the plastic film wrap… We had KFC that night, and boy, were we happy when my mum got back from her trip.

The Salt or Sugar debate

Here’s something you’ll notice in everyone’s kitchen, salt and sugar. In my household we also had MSG (which is a perfectly ok seasoning to use in moderation, before anyone gets their knickers in a twist). I use both salt and sugar regularly in cooking, as I think hey are essential. I sued keep them in jars next the cooking hob. Those jars weren’t labeled. But since I use them both everyday, I was sure I knew which was which. Now this method worked fine, until my mum came over one day and decided to cook for me. Of course she moved everything in the kitchen, including switch the two jars around. I’m just thankful I only made some very salty tea before I realised what had happened. What I do notice is that lots and lots of people have mixed up sugar and salt before, it’s so common!

Burning down the house

Don’t worry, I’ve never actually burnt the house down. I have however burnt a lot of things, and by a lot, I mean almost on a bi-monthly basis. However the one that sticks in mind the most was the time I burnt some chicken bones. I had made a roast chicken for dinner, and afterwards I had decided to make a stock from the bones. I left the bones and water on the hob, and then went to watch some TV, which I then promptly fell asleep to. My housemate came home to find the bones burning, the pan ruined, the house in a cloudy smoke that I can say is one of the worst smells in the world. I rely heavily on stock cubes these days…

Of course there have been many, many other instances of kitchen fails. The time the red wine reduction took so long to reduce my date got so hungry he just ordered some take-out. When I mixed up the icecream and butter containers (I swear they looked similar) and had frozen butter and runny icecream. The time I shook the chilli powder and all the chilli fell out, causing a storm of coughing and the house being unbreathable for almost 2 hours… the list goes on. Then of course there are all the flavour pairings I’ve put together that simply…don’t go together (I’m looking at you, chocolate covered scallops!)

But it’s the mistakes I make in the kitchen that I learn from, and get better from. I really hope that even if you don’t like cooking, you’ll give it a try just to be more healthy!

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