Sex in the News: Teen prosecuted as adult for having naked, images – of himself – on phone, Knickerless trend is back

This week in the news is a mix of some fun fashion trends and some ridiculous law breaking, anti-robot sex and a man who has a rather particular fetish. 

Teen prosecuted as adult for having naked images – of himself – on phone

When I first read this story I really believed that the case would be thrown out the window. It just seems too ridiculous to make sense, how can you interpret one person’s age in two different ways in a single case? That’s twisting the law in a horrible way and I simply can’t understand it. I want to laugh because it sounds so funny.

No sex please, we’re robots! Buyers of hit new ’emotional robot’ Pepper to sign contract vowing it won’t be used indecently

What I love about this is that the robot company has made the robot for a very specific reason and wants to keep their creation’s innocence protected. It is a robot that is meant to understand human emotion (or at least recognise it) and be used as a friendly companion. I think it will help a lot of people. What I don’t like is that I still giggled and the pictures of it with boobies, and felt guilty because someone went ahead and put boobies on poor pepper!

Man sexually attracted to playground equipment banned from anywhere with a slide

He gets more excited with every step up the ladder, and when he gets to the top he’s basically ready to climax. To be honest, it just goes down from there. Hehehe. I wonder if he can just buy a slide for his garden? Will him being banned from places with a slide mean he moves onto something like a see-saw. Actually, how does one have sex with a slide?

Knickerless trend is back

The first thing I thought was “Haven’t I seen this somewhere before?” and the answer is yes, yes I have. I’m convinced that the trend has come about because of Jessie Andrew’s revealing dress at a previous AVN. I’m surprised no one has made that link yet. I’m not sure if I have the courage to wear something like that outside however!

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