How do I buy lingerie for my girlfriend without feeling embarrassed?

Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary or just a surprise, buying your significant lady some lingerie as a present is always a good call. I worked part time in a lingerie store for a year, and can only remember a handful of guys coming in alone. So when asking “How do I buy lingerie for my girlfriend without feeling embarrassed” there are some key things you should know.

First of all, you should never be nervous going into a lingerie store by yourself. It wasn’t until the revival of Anne Summers in fact that woman liked going into lingerie stores, so before that I have no idea who actually went into them. Working in a lingerie store, I never once felt that a man coming in was intruding, and every salesperson in the store would do their best to help them get exactly what they were looking for.

The very popular lingerie brand “Victoria’s Secret” actually came to be when it’s founder Roy Raymond found buying lingerie for his wife to be too embarrassing. He created Victoria’s Secret with the intention of having a store that men could feel comfortable buying lingerie in. It’s proof that the industry as a whole is more than accommodating to men.

Of course, you can always turn to online shopping. Most popular brands have their own websites and you can browse leisurely from the comfort of your own home. With most having good return policies, you also don’t have to worry about buying the wrong set and losing money.

Now you’ll need to know your partner’s bra and panties size. The easiest way to do this is to check the tag or label on their favourite pair, which you can do just by going into their chest of drawers when they’re not looking. Be sure to write it down though, as I’ve met a few customers who thought they’d memorised it, but still got mixed up!

If you look at the tags on your partner’s garments, you can also deduce which brands they like the most. For this, I suggest looking at the fanciest lingerie they have, or the one you think they think is the most special. Buying from a brand they prefer gives you a better chance of them loving your gift.

There are many different styles of bra, but you don’t really have to worry about that. The things to look out for would be; does she where a full cup or a half cup? Does she wear a pushup bra? Does she like lace?

Only those 3 points will make much difference when you decide what to buy. For instance, if she has very little lace in her draw, you probably shouldn’t buy her something that’s purely lace. When you go looking for lingerie, whether it’s in a store or online, you should really trust your gut instinct. If you see a set you think looks really beautiful, or a set you think would completely suit her, go for it.

This is after all, a present from you. Try to imagine her wearing the lingerie, in your bedroom with the lights turned low. Does it excite you? If it doesn’t, then you really shouldn’t buy it. If it does, then go for it. If they offer a gift wrapping service, also go for it. You can wrap it up yourself in addition at home, but I’ve always loved the layers of tissue that lingerie stores put into their gift wrapping.

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