My 2017 New Years Resolutions

It’s that time of year again everyone, it’s time for 2017 New Years Resolutions! I’ll start by re-capping past resolutions, before going into this years. It feels silly because setting resolutions when you hardly ever hit feels futile. Yet I’m still optimistic with cheer from a New Year!

I have this problem where I don’t remember what resolutions I make at the start of the year. I sit down and I come up with some great ones. Yet I don’t put them up around the house, or anywhere that I see them, so I forget about them.

The number one offender is exercising and losing weight. I can at least feel somewhat better knowing 90% of the population have the same problem as me. This past year I did put more effort and start going to the gym. However once I moved to Budapest I stopped going to the gym and over this Christmas period I’ve pretty much undone all my previous good work.

Secondly, I’ve put down “learn a language” a few times and yet I’ve never really tried. Hating it at school, and also being a generally slow academic learner, I find languages really difficult. At the end of December I did properly decide to learn Japanese. I think it helps to pick a language  you want to learn.

Finally, I often have resolutions on improving my style. In previous years, this has been make-up as well as fashion. I think style is something that constantly changes, and I am still striving to improve myself in this area.

Resolutions I’ve fulfilled

That being said, there are resolutions that I have managed to fulfil. It’s important that we remind ourselves of our achievements and to keep ourselves motivated.

This past year I have made a much bigger effort to see family. My trip in February to see my brother and extended family in Vietnam was a huge deal for me. I spent a whole month there and it was fantastic. My sister also won a poetry award in 2016, and it was great being able to support her with that in London.

I’ve also become more social, saying yes more often to invitations to go out for drinks in the evening from friends. It becomes clear that even if you only order a coke, you can still have a great time at the bar with friends to destress.

My cooking is continuing to improve as I continue to look for interesting new recipes and places to try out. This past year I focused on healthier, protein rich recipes. I’m planning on continuing to do so, for health benefits, but I’ll also be bringing back more unhealthy things as my passion in cooking is for pastries and desserts.

2017 New Years Resolutions

  • Learn Japanese – Japanese is a language I really want to learn. Most of you know I have an invested interest in Japanese culture, from their cuisine, to traditions, to modern anime and of course reading lots of manga. I’ve started already, I have a few books and apps installed on my phone. I am a slow learner however, and it’s already proving to be very difficult. Learning a whole new set of alphabets, as well as tackling Kanji is hard! That’s before I’ve even stepped foot into learning words, sentences or grammar. However I’ve got a lot of support, from amazing friends such as Hitomi Tanaka, as well as fans who speak or learn Japanese!
  • Get back into fitness – I think fitness and health is important. Many people focus on losing weight in the New Year, as yes, I want to do that, but more important I want to improve my personal fitness levels. Exercise and eating healthy have such fantastic benefits to your body, such as better skin and also getting to live longer. I plan on finding a gym in Budapest, and also incorporate more healthy eating. Of course, having treats every now and then is important too!
  • Make a cosplay – Cosplay has always been a tricky one for me. I love the idea of it. Yet it takes so much time, and the skin level of people who already do it is very intimidating. This year my family bought be worbla as well as various other materials needed for making cosplay armour. I’ve already made one piece of my planned Chun Li inspired armour, and I hope to debut it to you all in time for MCM Expo in May.

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