Pet me gently in pet play

Most BDSM events will have at least one pet in attendance. But don’t worry if you are allergic, these pets have no fur of their own. They come along with their owners to enjoy one pretty common fetish: role playing as an animal or pet play.

There are all kinds of pets in the world of BDSM. Pet play inclined kinksters pick whichever animal they mostly identify with. For example, if you feel you are independent and playful, often mischievous, you might identify with a kitten. Or a cute fox.

If you feel you enjoy to take commands and want to please your owner above all, you might like the role of a dog. But pets can be of all kinds: from ponies who like to be ridden to monkeys, bunnies and wolves. All of them equally fun and playful.

One very important thing to understand about pet play is that it has nothing to do with an attraction for animals. Kinksters who enjoy pet play don’t desire real animals. They want human partners who meow, purr, neigh, bark and obey commands. So why do kinky folks want pet play?

Well, for one it can be a lot of fun! For me pet play is not one of my main fetishes by far. But I have had some of the most fun scenes with pet players. They tend to be very obedient, especially doggies and ponies. And have you ever tried to ride another person in the woods? That is guaranteed laughter and a great time!

It can also have a very strong humiliation play. Like when a partner can’t eat at the table, but from a dog bowl. Or when they have to go wherever they are carried in a leash. Also, pet play can be sexual or not. Some kinksters like to do sexual play with their human pets, while others just go for the non-sexual role play.

But, to my mind, the biggest attraction to pet play is the liberation from the human mind frame. As a dog, or a fox, or a piggy you don’t have to worry yourself with everyday troubles. You just get to obey and be cute and focus on making adorable sounds.

Another element that is extremely important in pet play is the love for touches. This is a tactile type of play above all. You get to be petted, scratched behind the ear. You get to be praised for your obedience and you are rewarded with kindness and affection. And that affection has a physical form.

I often find it hard to touch people that I don’t know very well. But I have never had a problem touching a pet. Or a pet player. Especially knowing how much they genuinely enjoy being affectionately touched.

A lot of the people I have talked to also mention the safety of the play. You know that as a kitten or a dog, you entrust yourself to another person. And that person, the caretaker or owner, must look out for all of your needs. From feeding to nap times and play times, all of your tasks are set out for you and you are looked after. And more than being sexual, that can be loving and comforting.

And finally, on a personal note, I have to mention the accessories that go with pet play. The saddles, leashes, bowl and mittens and such a joy. When you set out to buy these things for someone you care it is the most rewarding experience.

So, if you ever come across a leather-kitten, rubbing on your leg, ask if you can pet her head. And enjoy some awesome cuddly affection!

Kitty Rea is a public speaker and events organiser in the kink community. You can visit her personal site here.

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