12 most common first date mistakes men make

First dates are never easy, but there are definitely good or bad scenarios that can happen on a first date. We’re bringing you a list of most common first date mistakes men make. Hopefully, they’ll help you get to the date #2. 
First dates are where you make first impressions. Make the wrong ones and the chances the person will want to see you again are not too high. The problem is that most of us get a bit nervous before going on a date with someone new and sometimes we make stupid mistakes.  Sometimes we don’t even realise what those mistakes are and need someone to point them out.

Twelve first date mistakes to avoid

1. Being late

Inviting a girl on a date and then showing up late is not a very gentleman-like thing to do. You’ll leave an impression that you don’ care enough to be punctual and that meeting her is just not that important to you. If you realise you’re going to be late, send an apology on time – that means before you’re already late. But really, try avoiding situations like this.

2. Talking about your ex

Girls definitely do not want to listen to you talk about your ex. girls are not interested if she was crazy, a boring weirdo or a sex goddess. Especially not interested in the last one, your dates won’t find your funny ex sex stories hilarious so keep them for yourself instead.

3. Being too sexual

It’s nice to feel wanted and sexy but we don’t want to listen to how you’d never get off of us in bed or about the things you’d do to us. At least not on the first date! If she wants it, she will let you know it, so don’t try to be too sexual, both verbally and physically, or you might never see her again. Inappropriate touching, hugging and kissing all go into this category.

4. Being indecisive

So you invited a girl on a date, you agreed upon the place and time you’re meeting. Now what? Be sure you plan something in advance because not many things are less attractive than a guy who doesn’t know where to take his date. Think of a nice coffee shop or a cute restaurant, maybe even ZOO or a fun museum if that’s more your thing.

5. Being too formal

A date is not a job interview and it shouldn’t look like one. Don’t try to scare her with your questions, keep it casual and relaxed. Make a joke or two, it should feel natural. Try to keep a relaxed conversation flow or else she might think she’s being interrogated. Talk about yourself, share your stories and opinions but of course, don’t overdo it.

6. Being rude to staff

Bad manners, being rude to the staff especially, are things nobody likes or finds attractive. Treat her, but also everyone around you, waiters included, the nicest possible way. Don’t act like an asshole. Yes, girls often fall for bad boys, but even these bad boys should have manners.

7. Bragging about money, car, job etc.

Don’t. Just don’t. Unless you’re on a date with a gold-digger and you’re both fine with a relationship like that. In general, bragging is always a turn-off and you won’t get anything positive out of it. You don’t want to make your date feel inferior, and it’s always smarter to impress her with your nice behaviour, witty mind or passion for reading rather than your possessions.

8. Giving nicknames and pet names

Don’t call girls baby, cutie, babydoll, babe, sweetie, honey or any other pet name. Pet names can be cute with someone you’re already close with, but they just come off as creepy from a stranger on the first date. Save the cute nicknames for later, when you two get to know each other better and spend more time together.

9. Checking out other women

You’re on a date with that girl you invited, remember? We know that it’s natural for you to check out attractive women, but you have to understand that your date won’t feel comfortable if you do it in front of her. Try to keep your eyes on your date only. Checking out other women is acceptable only if you’re alone or with your buddies, definitely not in a company of the girl you like.

10. Starting political/religion discussions

It’s best to avoid super serious topics that could lead to conflict. You’ll find out more about them as you date, but it’s best to avoid picking a fight on a first date. The first date should be fun, with lots of laughing included, quarrels are not something you should go for. 

11. Don’t check your phone too much

We know it can be hard not to check your social media for a couple of hours, but checking your phone constantly shows disrespect for your date. It’s a smart thing to put it on silent or at least vibrate during the date to avoid being tempted to check who messaged or you or made a comment on your latest post. Those notifications can wait until you’re back home.

12. Not offering to pay the bill

It is still a tradition that a man should pay the bill on the first date, and although it might seem a little bit unfair, that’s what most girls expect. It is a nice gesture, and the girl will most probably offer to split the bill or even pay the whole bill herself on the next date, but it is most definitely you who should play by these unofficial rules on the first one and grab the bill before she even gets a chance to see it.

Be Yourself

The above are some of the most common mistakes guys can make, but definitely not the only ones so try to be logical and stay natural. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not because sooner or later she will find out. Also if the date goes well and she obviously shows she likes you, try to kiss her or she might feel you’re not interested.
First dates are supposed to be fun and relaxed. Getting to know someone new is always exciting and interesting, especially when it might be someone you’ll be spending your life with. Just pay attention to the signals she sends you and follow your guts, everything should be all right, and if not, try and learn from your mistakes and better luck next time!
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