Feeling dreamy? Here’s what all those sex dreams really mean

We’ve all had them, so, we’re sure that you’ve wondered the meaning of sex dreams that have popped up in your mind during your lifetime. Hell, some of them make sense — like you fantasizing about getting naughty with a pornstar — while others, like the one where you’re observing two people you know have sex, don’t really make sense at all.

With so much uncertainty about why you wake up confused about what your mind dreamt up the night prior, we figured we’d dive into the topic and figure out, once and for all, the meaning of sex dreams. This should help explain a few things for you the next time you have one, guys.

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Scenario: Cheating on someone

Don’t worry, guys, just because you have a sex dream where you’re cheating on a significant other doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to in real life. The meaning of sex dreams can be complicated, but when you have this one, it might just indicate a sign that you’re either lacking something in your current relationship, or you feel guilty about withholding something from your partner. Either way, it’s not as if you need to go telling your significant other that you banged the girl you saw in a coffee shop in your dream last night.

Scenario: Sex in public

This one’s for all you sexual beasts out there who don’t give a damn about when and where you have sex. Sex in public sex dreams mean that you probably feel like people know too much about your personal life. For instance, maybe you posted something on social media that got a lot of likes, comments and/or shares; that would be a reason why sex in public might be a sex dream later on that night.

Scenario: Same-sex

Regardless of how you dreamt up a same-sex sex dream, the meaning of sex dreams like this is kind of badass, actually. For instance, if you imagined two girls going at it all hot and heavy, it could mean that you’re just interested in a hobby that society says might be strange. A same-sex sex dream really is just your mind rebelling against society, in most cases, so that’s awesome.

Scenario: Anal sex

One of the more common sexual fantasies is anal sex. Even for guys who haven’t tried it — or girls who are against it — it’s one of those unicorns that everyone, one day, hopes they catch. That said, when it comes to the meaning of sex dreams, anal sex typically means that you feel like you’re being screwed over in real life. It could be bad habits or negative thoughts, so, really, anal sex dreams aren’t the best kind of sex dreams to have.

Scenario: Sex with a celebrity

Let’s face it, everyone has had a sex dream about banging a celebrity, that’s just common fact. That said, what is the meaning of sex dreams like this? Well, it typically means that you like a certain quality of that celeb you’re dreaming about. For instance, just because you dreamt about sex with Harriet Sugarcookie last night doesn’t mean you want her. In fact, it might mean you just like her body type, or smile, or laugh. Kind of interesting, huh?

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