Here’s how to have sex with your teacher’s assistant in college

A teacher assistant in a college class is supposed to be there to help support the professor with teaching and grading, but, sometimes, she ends up being really hot, too. While it doesn’t happen often, I’ve had the opportunity to have a sexy teacher assistant in one of my old journalism classes — and, after a semester’s worth of work, was able to have sex with her more than a few times.

Sound like this might be something you’re interested in doing, too? Let me tell you; it takes work. Like, stuff that you’ll be embarrassed admitting to doing, but, if sex is what you’re after, will pay dividends.

For those guys out there lucky enough to hit the jackpot and get a hot teacher assistant in a class, as I did years ago, here’s how you can make moves and end up in bed with her. Now that’s the type of grade A stuff we should all be so lucky to try.

Make it a point to introduce yourself

I’ll never forget the first time my teacher assistant walked into my journalism class during my senior year of college. She was hot with a curvy body and huge boobs, which, naturally, made everyone in the class (women included) gawk. Following the first class, even though I did have a class syllabus, I made it a point to go up and introduce myself, asking for another one. It was all about face time, making sure she knew who I was early on.

Don’t be afraid to email her

Remember how I mentioned the embarrassing things you’ll have to do? Yeah, this is one of them. My teacher assistant had her email and cell phone on the class syllabus — which, come on, is just an invite for a 21-year-old college kid. About two weeks into the class, I emailed her while a little typsy, misspelling a few words (purposely) and giving some sort of flattering comment. Sure, it was a big risk, but it worked, with her replying with humor.

Ask for some after class help

She now knows who you are and has a funny memory from you, so now’s the time to make it about the class and ask for some help. Spend some alone time with her during a study session. There’s little chance you’ll end up sleeping with her during it, but it’s a good way to ease up a bit and show her that you’re serious in learning the material in the class — and make sure she’s not too creeped out with the first couple of advances. This will help stay top-of-mind, while also letting her see you’re not all about just flirting.

Make sure she knows you’re interested

At this point, she’d have to be pretty naive to think you’re not interested, but, hey, some girls are like that. As the end of the semester gets close to an end, it’s crucial to drop by her office and make sure you both swap numbers somehow. Throw out the thought of hanging out once the semester’s over and, based off of her reaction, you’ll know if she’s into the idea or not.

Go for it by asking her out after the semester

The class is over and she’s no longer just the hot teacher assistant, so don’t be the guy who sits and twiddles his thumbs; take her out! Once you do that, talk her up and be your charming self, grabbing a few drinks and talking about what she has planned for the summer and such. Once you’re both a little more relaxed, the flirting with naturally happen and, boom, it’ll be a full-fledged date — hopefully ending with the two of you naked in bed by night’s end.

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