Why do my balls itch all the time? We offer up some reasons

Ever sit there with your hands down your pants while watching TV and think to yourself, “why do my balls itch so much?” Oh, we know that we’re not the only ones who have been caught in that situation more than a few times, wondering what the hell has caused such a predicament.

Well, after writing about some of the potential causes of an itchy bum hole not long ago, it got us thinking about what might be causing your balls to itch, too. That’s why we’ve dug into some research to figure out some reasons, so keep on reading to learn about how you can protect yourself — as well as cures if things get a little bit too out of control.

You have an STD

Some of the most common STDs that can lead to itchy balls are genital herpes, gonorrhea, genital warts and chlamydia. In each case, if you’ve contracted an STD, it’s important to go see your doctor immediately to help treat the problem. Also remember to be responsible and avoid any sexual contact whatsoever while experiencing any symptoms. Depending on what STD you have, there are numerous treatment methods, and the obvious way to protect yourself from these is by using condoms and by practicing other safe sex habits.


Before assuming the worst and thinking you’ve contracted an STD, the most common occurrence of itchy balls is simply chafing, where your testicles rub up against your thigh and/or underwear. This is most common for long-distance runners or guys who work out without using some sort of powder beforehand. When your balls chafe, it’s easiest to treat with some sort of lotions and anti-itch creams, as well as temporarily using gauze pads to cover up the affected area.

Pubic lice

Like lice on your head, pubic lice impacts the coarse hairs around the testicles, with the little bugs setting up shop, breeding and causing one helluva scratch down there. These lice can only be spread by contact with another person who already has them, which tends to occur during unprotected sex in this case. For treatment of pubic lice, over-the-counter solutions are best, including oatmeal baths with extra emphasis on the disrupted area. Be careful not to scratch or rub down there too hard while cleaning, though, which can irritate things even more.

Fungal infection

Much like the aforementioned pubic lice, colonies of fungi are typically invisible to the naked eye, yet impact your testicles by causing an annoying itch and/or rash. They usually develop from unprotected sex or poor hygiene — like not cleansing your balls after enough. When a fungal infection occurs, it’s typically referred to as jock itch, and can be treated by using an antifungal medication that’s usually prescribed by a doctor, although over-the-counter options are available.

Scrotal eczema

Like other parts of the body that can develop eczema, when it happens on or around the scrotum, it’s usually typically due to the area being either dry and irritated, or moist and inflamed. Either way, when scrotal eczema occurs, many guys will make it worse my scratching, eventually leading to a full-blown rash. To help treat any symptoms of this, use a topical cream like cortisone or gold bond.

How can you prevent your balls from itching?

The easy answer is cleaning your testicles properly and routinely, while also protecting yourself during all sexual activity. Having an itch on/around your balls or scrotum can be annoying, and can lead to scarring or flaking of the skin if not treated immediately.

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