Harriet Sugarcookie

harriet glamour photo

Cookie Questions: I want to ask a girl friend out, but I am scared she will say no

Round two of Cookie Questions! This is a very interesting question actually, I think all of us have been at…

Cookie Questions: how can I tell if a girl wants to have sex with me?

This is a new idea I've had for blog posts! I often get a lot of emails asking me for…

London Burger Bash Final

Last weekend was very exciting for me, I'm not sure how many of you guys know this, but I'm a…

Egg bake photo

Lazy Feel Good Food- Harriet’s Egg bake!

I love all thins food, and cooking is no exception! The problem with cooking is that it can be seen…

The Burger Hunt – 5 Guys Review

As some of you may already know, I am a big fan of the burger. In fact, I could almost…

Manga Review – Psyren

Another popular question in my room is "what is your favourite anime" but truth be told I actually read a…

Restaurant review of Hawksmoor Seven Dials, London

Ok, so as some of you may know, I'm a huge foodie. One of my favourite things ever is steak,…

Visiting one of my favourite places – The Aquarium!

I realised that I haven't really seen all the sights around London. I guess I've only just moved here, and…

Review of my favourite anime, Shin Sekai Yori (From the New world)

I've been asked several times what my favourite anime is. For a long time, I would have answered "Sailor Moon"…

Buying presents on Valentines day is super important! But it doesn’t have to be complicated or elaborate!

Ok so Valentines Day isn't for another 2 weeks, but I've been planning what to buy people for nearly a…

My tips on creating an online dating profile.

A while ago I set up a profile on an online dating site. Online dating is part of the tech…

The Friend Zone – as seen by Harriet Sugarcookie

The Friend Zone is infamous. It's that place we've all been to, despite our hardest attempts to avoid it. It…

My New Years Resolutions 2014

It's that time of year again so here's my New Years Resolutions guys! I hope that we can all share…

Review of 47 Ronin Film vs 47 Ronin folklore

This film got some really bad reviews online, and reddit had several threads going about how shit everyone was expecting…

Webcammer sex survey

I recently became a camgirl on MyFreeCams. I know very little about this community of models and viewers. With that…