Nick Dante

Porn searches are way up thanks to summer blockbuster season nearing

Porn movies come in plenty of different genres, but, one of the most popular, are parody films. You know the…

Will she orgasm? Ladies tell the secrets to getting her off

Orgasms can be like unicorns at times, where, we think they exist, but we never really know what might be…

The most impressive things people admitted they’ve seen in a porn

Porn is often the one place where guys can live out their sexual fantasies. Of course, that doesn't mean actually…

How mental health has been influenced by sexism

Throughout the week, we've talked about various mental health problems that most men deal with. It's clearly an issue that…

How to bring up a threesome with girlfriend (and be successful)

Threesomes are every single guy's biggest sexual fantasy. OK, so that might not be 100 percent accurate, but it can't…

Tinder’s new location setting makes it easier to find missed connections

Tinder may be the most popular online dating app, but a new location setting it's releasing has a few people…

When to get back together with an ex-girlfriend

Dating can be tricky, we all know that. Just when you think you're having fun being single and getting into…

Common mental health problems for men (and how to break them)

Mental health problems aren't things that men tend to keep to themselves anymore, which is a huge shift in behavior…

Gamers rejoice! A new VR porn game lets gamers have sex with robots

Porn and new sex tech just keeps evolving, and the latest example is a virtual reality game that lets gamers…

Yep, Meghan Markle once dated a porn star

Meghan Markle may be getting ready for her lavish wedding to Prince Harry this weekend, May 19th, officially making her…

Ways to break negative thoughts

Depression isn't something that guys often open up and talk about. Sure, that has changed a little bit over the…

The most common mistakes guys make about every girl

Dating isn't easy, we all know that. But, let's be honest, it should be fun. Problem is, we're creatures of…

Personality characteristics of high-potential people

Successful people aren't that way because they were born any differently. It may seem like billionaires like Jeff Bezos and…

What to do when you see your ex-girlfriend

Ex-girlfriends are tricky, aren't they? On one side, you want to convince yourself that, regardless of how the relationship ended,…

How to combat social anxiety

Social anxiety isn't something that's just a myth, guys. Sure, we all have moments when we walk into a room…