
I try felting for the first time: Making a cat

After seeing so many cute felt creations on display at my local Japanese go-to store, I decided to finally buy…

Manga Review: Basara by Tamura Yumi

I am a big fan of the mangaka Tamura Yumi, who writes one of my favourite series called 7 Seeds. This…

Dissecting the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer

If you have seen the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer yet, then you need to go watch it…

Fun museums to go to in London: British Museum

Today I decided to visit the British Museum which is on the bus route for me into the town centre.…

Upcoming Sci-Fi TV shows that you need to get ready for

Sci-Fi has really taken off in mainstream media, and I'm loving it. But it's not just the big screen that's…

Who is the Reverse Flash? (TV Spoilers)

The following blog contains spoilers. If you've been following the current TV series The Flash like me, then you'll know exactly…

Top Superhero films coming out in 2015

It's without a doubt the era of superheroes, after more popular and family friendly comicbook adaptions. Marvel's name now is…

Film Review: Chappie by Neill Blomkamp (SPOILERS)

Despite brutal reviews from critiques, I personally really enjoyed watching Chappie directed by Neill Blomkamp and I would recommend it to anyone interested…

The hottest things to do at London MCM Expo

This year will be my first time going to MCM Expo. I've never been before although loads of my friends…

Literature lost a treasure, Sir Terry Pratchett fantasy author extraordinaire dies aged 66

This afternoon it was announced that Sir Terry Pratchett, author of over 70 books and the creator of Discworld, passed away…

3DS Game Review: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is the latest instalment of the Monster Hunter series, however like me, you don't need to…

Rest in peace Leonard Nimoy. . .

On Friday morning, the universe lost one it’s most beloved science officers, Leonard Nimoy aged 83. On planet earth, he…

50 Shades of Grey Valentines Day Film Review (Spoilers)

Tonight in England the much anticipated film 50 Shades of Grey came out in cinemas country wide. The opening is…

The best Christmas presents to buy for geeks

With more and more uber-geeky toys hitting the shops every year, nerds are spoilt for choice for things to buy…

SuperSunday: Super Stop-motion Animation by PESfilm!

This is a bit of a flashback, but today browsing the inter-webs I came across PESfilm, a stop-motion film group…