
How to think of thoughtful Christmas presents

Thinking of thoughtful Christmas presents isn't easy, we all know that. Between actually going out and shopping, sticking to your…

Why your office Christmas party is the perfect time to hone your social skills

Your office Christmas party might be one of those daunting events that nobody in the office really looks forward to,…

This is why you need to stop comparing yourself to others

Mental health awareness is a critical and important thing for everyone, especially men, to have. It's one of those things…

Seasonal depression vs. clinical depression: What’s the difference?

Seasonal depression is often one of those things that people like to self-diagnose, with many believing that the shorter days,…

Body hair: Do girls really hate it, and how can you keep things groomed?

Body hair is one of those things that guys often freak out about. And, I'm not going to lie to…

Feeling sleepy? Here’s how to stay awake and more alert even when you’re tired AF

If you've ever wondered how to stay awake and fight off the urge of sleeping, you're not alone. There's a…

Sending unsolicited dick pics? A new proposed NYC bill would make it a crime

I'm going to go ahead and just say that about 99 percent of guys reading this right now have sent…

Which airline has the sexiest flight attendants?

For anyone who has traveled, I'm sure you've seeing some of the flight attendants on airplanes and thought some dirty…

Guy’s creepy messages to girl he saw on Tinder go viral after she turns him down

Sliding into DMs on Instagram is always risky, as many girls don't look at the strategy from guys as anything…

Boxer Tyson Fury sends amazing and inspirational message to guys with mental health problems following fight

Pro boxer Tyson Fury, who has dealt with depression and substance abuse throughout his life, had a powerful message to…

Working out and losing muscle instead of fat? Here’s how to tell

Working out has its benefits both physically and mentally, but there are many times when it can be frustrating when the…

If you hold in a fart, will it come out your mouth?

Farting might seem gross, but we all know how necessary it is to get that gas out of our stomachs…

The wild side effects of flying might make you think twice before boarding a plane

After flying last weekend for an event to HentaiCon, which I wrote about here a couple of days ago, my…

This is what girls really think of manscaping

When it comes to manscaping, every guy worries about what girls think about their grooming habits. On one end, do…

Australian cops searching for three girls who stole $600 worth of high-end dildos from sex shop

A sex shop in Perth, Australia is out $600 worth of high-end dildos after three girls came into the store…