
Ways for guys to work towards getting over their depression

Depression is as crippling as anything in a man's life, as the mental health problem is becoming more and more…

Male celebs who have spoken out about their mental health issues

Men's mental health issues are at the forefront of a new generation. From guys speaking up more about their feelings…

Why are so many guys lonely at Christmas?

If a lonely Christmas sounds as awful to you as much as it does to me, it's really awful to…

The different types of depression that guys should understand

Depression and mental health issues are all things that are widespread in our culture. Unfortunately, with the increase in comparisons…

Seasonal depression vs. clinical depression: What’s the difference?

Seasonal depression is often one of those things that people like to self-diagnose, with many believing that the shorter days,…

Can changing seasons impact your mental health?

Mental health has become a mainstream issue that more and more guys are speaking out about — and this is…

Men and mental health: why being quiet is leading to earlier deaths

Mental health problems in men are at an all-time high. Again and again, day after day, we hear unfortunate stories…

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson says guys must talk more about depression, offers support

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has long been one of the most outspoken and influential celebrities — especially when it comes…

Understanding the importance of self-acceptance

Mental health seems to be on everyone's minds these days, especially when it comes to guys. After all, times are…

How mental health has been influenced by sexism

Throughout the week, we've talked about various mental health problems that most men deal with. It's clearly an issue that…

Common mental health problems for men (and how to break them)

Mental health problems aren't things that men tend to keep to themselves anymore, which is a huge shift in behavior…

Ways to break negative thoughts

Depression isn't something that guys often open up and talk about. Sure, that has changed a little bit over the…

How to deal with jealousy?

Jealousy is a very common topic but is also very persistent. It can poison a relationship to the core, even a relationship…

What causes panic attacks?

Panic attacks are more common than most people realise. They can be a one-time event, or more often a recurring…

What “being there” for your girlfriend really means

There are times in every relationship where one partner is going through a rough period. In those periods, we have…