ex girlfriend

What to do when your crush likes your friend?

Having a crush is usually a challenge in itself. There's the whole debate of liking someone and whether they like…

Sex with your ex isn’t actually such a bad thing after all, according to research

Sex with ex-girlfriends might not seem like the best idea in the world, as it can stir up old memories…

What to do when your ex shows signs of wanting you back

We all know that breaking up is hard to do, but, just when you think you're over the heartache and…

How to handle a texting ex-girlfriend

Break-ups are hard enough to deal with, so, when a texting ex-girlfriend just doesn't seem to leave you alone, it…

Break-up stories about crazy ex’s that’ll make you glad you’re single

Chances are high that, most of us, have had a crazy ex who has made us happy that a relationship…

What to do when you see your ex-girlfriend

Ex-girlfriends are tricky, aren't they? On one side, you want to convince yourself that, regardless of how the relationship ended,…

Is it ever ok to sleep with a friend’s ex?

Is it ever ok to sleep with a friend's ex? What about your bestfriend's ex? Are there separate rules? The unsaid code…

This is how to win back your ex-girlfriend

Here's how to win back your ex-girlfriend. Relationships are so complicated. At first they're great, then they go downhill, you…

This is what you do when your ex wants you back

Relationships are so weird and complicated. You start one, you end one, you start another one. Today's topic is on…

Why do all my exes look the same?

A friend of mine recently came to the realisation that a lot of his exes seemed to look the same.…

5 bad reasons to get back with your ex

It's not uncommon for couples who have broken up to get back together again. Sometimes all you needed was a…

Relationship Advice: How do I get over an ex?

It's been a while since I've done a relationship advice blog, but when I got an email from someone asking…