
Knowing when to approach (and flirt with) a girl at the bar

Every single guy thinks he knows how to flirt, but, the fact of the matter is, it takes real skill…

Is flirting cheating? No, but we tell you how to handle your girlfriend’s flirty ways

Is flirting cheating? Many guys might ask themselves this when it comes to their girlfriends. First and foremost, though; no,…

Sliding into her DMs (and actually getting a response)

Sliding into DMs on social media appears to be the latest trend for guys to (hopefully) get the attention of…

Ways to appear more attractive while talking to girls

Dating tips might seem like death and taxes — you know, something that will always be there for people —…

Important skills every man should know how to do

As men, it's important for us to understand a few things. We're not expected to know everything on the planet…

Harmless fun or cheating?

Where is the limit? What counts as cheating and what doesn't? Is it okay to flirt, is kissing cheating? These…

Here’s how to look good on the dance floor

Dancing is an important part of looking good to the opposite sex. It has been for centuries. But what do…