
Is there a reason why we love porn inspired by video games?

Video games inspire a lot of different things, and one of the most popular is porn. We all know how…

Our editors most anticipated games of 2019

For as long as we can remember, we've always played video games. Hell, we know that it might not be…

Does Fortnite really ruin relationships?

Fornite is one of the most popular video game franchises ever, with, seemingly, everyone joining the community to play online…

How to start a career in video game development

Video game development has become a popular career in the past few decades thanks to the rise in gaming across…

How to get your girl into gaming this Christmas

Gaming is one of those hobbies that is an acquired taste, we all know that. So, while you've been playing…

Here’s everything you need to know about Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11 is officially coming to PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and the PC, so, whether you're an OG…

The best gaming PCs to add to your holiday wish list

With the holidays quickly approaching — can you guys believe it's December already? — we've got some of the best…

‘Red Dead Online’ beta is now available for those who already own the awesome game

Red Dead Redemption 2 was released a couple of weeks ago and, as we reported, broke sales records that have…

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword looks like it’s about to release on Nintendo Switch

Ever since we can remember, the The Legend of Zelda series has been one of the most popular and most iconic…

In awesome gaming news, Microsoft’s rumored to release a disc-less console

We're always pretty amped up when we get awesome gaming news, so the rumors floating around that Microsoft is considering…

The best Black Friday deals for gamers

With the Thanksgiving holiday next weekend, Americans will be stuffing their faces with turkey, mashed potatoes and a bunch of…

I survived my first con and it was actually pretty awesome

HentaiCon, a first-year event that happened in Burbank last weekend, was awesome. It brought together a lot of Harriet Sugarcookie…

‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ is so popular that it just set records for most sales in a weekend ever

If you're geeked up about the recent release of Red Dead Redemption 2, you're clearly not alone. In addition to a…

Here’s the first list of PlayStation Classic games that will be preloaded to the retro console

The PlayStation Classic has been in the works for a couple of years now, after SONY saw the success of…

These Fortnite AR-L Nerf blasters are a definite must-have

Look, I'm not saying that I'm a child or anything, but who the hell doesn't like a good toy to…