
My girlfriend has vaginismus, what is it and how can I help?

Vaginismus might sound like a mouthful but simply means being too tight to have sex comfortably. If your girlfriend has…

Cuffing season is upon us, so these things will help you land a girl

The seasons have officially changed, going from summer to fall. Instead of getting down in the dumps about swapping out…

How to turn your hook-up into your girlfriend

You’ve been dating a girl casually and now you want her to be your girlfriend, but she wants to stay…

Is it ever ok to sleep with a friend’s ex?

Is it ever ok to sleep with a friend's ex? What about your bestfriend's ex? Are there separate rules? The unsaid code…

How to get your girlfriend to open up emotionally

Contrary to popular belief, women aren't all emotional creatures that wear their hearts on their sleeves. In fact, a lot…

When should I introduce my girlfriend to my parents?

When you're in a relationship there are a few milestone events that you'll eventually go through. The first kiss. First…

When is the right time to move in with my girlfriend?

This week I had a great email from someone who wants to know "when is the right time to move…