
Guy accidentally texts wrong number asking for nudes, but, plot twist, he still got the naughty pics

Asking a girl to send nudes is something that every single one of us have done before. That doesn't mean…

In most ridiculous research ever, millennials prefer Amazon over having sex

Millennials might get a lack of respect from older generations for being dreamers, jumping from job-to-job, leaving corporate life before…

Working out and losing muscle instead of fat? Here’s how to tell

Working out has its benefits both physically and mentally, but there are many times when it can be frustrating when the…

If you hold in a fart, will it come out your mouth?

Farting might seem gross, but we all know how necessary it is to get that gas out of our stomachs…

The wild side effects of flying might make you think twice before boarding a plane

After flying last weekend for an event to HentaiCon, which I wrote about here a couple of days ago, my…

This is what girls really think of manscaping

When it comes to manscaping, every guy worries about what girls think about their grooming habits. On one end, do…

Are you a psychopath? These are the top careers for those who just might be

Generally speaking, when you think of a psychopath, you probably envision a loner who stalks people and, in the end,…

Girls share attractive things that men are usually embarrassed of

There are a lot of attractive things that guys do for girls that they're not even aware of. In fact,…

Movember: Why growing your ‘stache is so important for men’s health

Movember is officially here, guys, and it's the best time of the year to get a little hairy and grow…

Last-minute (and lazy) Halloween costumes for dudes

Happy Halloween, everyone! Today's the day you get to dress up in your wildest outfits, scaring the living sh*t out…

Red Dead Redemption 2 has got us watching western movies – here’s our pick of the best

As big-time gamers, we're really excited about the release of the new game Red Dead Redemption 2, which hit shelves…

How often should you shower? Science says it’s actually not as frequently as you think

If you've ever thought to yourself, how often should I shower?, you're definitely not alone. Hell, maybe this sounds gross,…

A man’s guide to wearing denim

It's fall time, meaning we're all busting out those heavier-but-not-quite-puffy jackets to keep us warm. As most of us know,…

Bored? Here’s a list of 12 hobbies every guy should try out

It's that time of year where we all seem to hibernate and find ourselves doing nothing but Netflix and chilling,…

The top-rated waterproof sneakers for guys this fall

Waterproof shoes are lifesavers during this time of year. As someone who lives in an area where it rains a…