sex tips

A male escort who earns $4,300 a night to have sex tells guys what girls really like best

Man, I'm not saying I would be a male escort, but, damn it, wouldn't it be an entertaining job? You…

The proper way to give your phone number to a girl in real life

How to give your phone number to a girl in real life? It's one of those things that guys get…

Science tells us the sexiest things you can say to a girl (and some major turn-offs to avoid)

Us guys may not know the sexiest things to do when it comes to wooing a girl, but, when it…

Is it really worth paying for Tinder Gold or Tinder Plus?

Tinder has long been the most popular free online dating app around, often being the go-to download for those lonely,…

Thanks to self-driving vehicles, you could be having lots more car sex

Self-driving vehicles have been all the rage over the past few years, with many people thinking that the service will…

Sex with your ex isn’t actually such a bad thing after all, according to research

Sex with ex-girlfriends might not seem like the best idea in the world, as it can stir up old memories…

What to do when you see a girl from Tinder in real life

Online dating apps can be awkward, intimidating, scary and frustrating, and one of the trickiest situations to navigate is what…

Dating after a breakup – 5 important reasons you should wait

Dating after a breakup can be so much more difficult than just dating casually, as your mind may feel defeated…

Do I have a fear of commitment? Here’s how to tell

Having a fear of commitment is pretty common in guys, as most of us weigh both the positives and negatives before…

How to avoid coming on too strong after meeting a girl

One of the most common mistakes all guys make is coming on too strong after meeting a girl. It's sort…

It’s true, peak happiness happens right after orgasm, per study

Orgasms are often the most satisfying feeling a person can have in a day. After all, there's a reason why…

Ways to use social media to get a girl’s attention

We all know that social media is often used to flirt with a girl. From guys sliding into DMs on…

Tips on mastering small talk like a champ

Small talk is one of those things that nearly everyone dreads because, let's face it, it's just wasting time, right?…

What to do if your buddy has already slept with the girl you’re seeing

It's not ideal, nor that common, but, in some instances, there are situations when a buddy you've known for years…

Ways to avoid looking desperate to a girl

It's one thing to be flirty and occasionally be self-deprecating when talking to a girl. But when that tone changes…