
The sexiest traits that women look for in men

The sexiest traits that girls look for on guys aren't probably what many of us think. We know, it might…

Body hair: Do girls really hate it, and how can you keep things groomed?

Body hair is one of those things that guys often freak out about. And, I'm not going to lie to…

These geeky Christmas sweaters are perfect for the holidays

It's the time of year when everyone's looking for their best geeky Christmas sweater to wear to holiday parties and…

This is what girls really think of manscaping

When it comes to manscaping, every guy worries about what girls think about their grooming habits. On one end, do…

Movember: Why growing your ‘stache is so important for men’s health

Movember is officially here, guys, and it's the best time of the year to get a little hairy and grow…

A man’s guide to wearing denim

It's fall time, meaning we're all busting out those heavier-but-not-quite-puffy jackets to keep us warm. As most of us know,…

The top-rated waterproof sneakers for guys this fall

Waterproof shoes are lifesavers during this time of year. As someone who lives in an area where it rains a…

The types of beards that girls (actually) love the most

One of the many perks of being a guy is having the ability to grow facial hair. Unfortunately, because it's…

The proper way to shape your fall beard

With the fall weather in full effect, not to mention the soon-to-be winter season quickly approaching, many men are growing…

Halloween couples costume ideas to start planning for

It's that time of year, guys, where scary movies and Netflix and chilling are beginning to consume our evenings now…

How to remove ingrown hairs without crying like a baby

One of the most painful feelings that a man can experience is an ingrown hair. Looking like a zit on…

How to dress for the fall (and look handsome AF)

It's sad to admit it, gents, but summer is slowly coming to an end. In fact, in just a few…

How to properly wear cologne

So many guys, even as they get older, still don't know how to wear cologne the right way. Maybe that's…

The clothes to avoid wearing on first dates

Going on a first date is exciting, nerve-racking and brings lots of pressure. We're not trying to beat around the…

A man’s guide to ear grooming

There are plenty of men's grooming tips out there for guys to follow in order to stay nice and, uh, unhairy.…