The best workout apps to stay in shape as summer ends

With the summer officially turning to fall here in about a week, a lot of us are going to wonder how we can stay in shape, keeping up with our fitness goals through the shorter days and colder weather. It’s not easy, as lighter meals become heartier ones, and IPAs seemingly replace light beers around the pool.

But, just because we need to transition into a gym and ditch the outdoor workout sessions doesn’t mean we can’t track our progress with some of the best workout apps for men to try out. In fact, to help motivate you to sweat each day and set personal goals, downloading these apps is a serious positive.

For those who are either new to the workout apps game, or just haven’t used one in a long time, you’re in luck, because we offer some of the best workout apps. Trust us, these things won’t let you down while in the gym.


Although ClassPass first launched with a different intention than what it is today — which focused on users trying various types of workout classes — it has since evolved into a fully functioning workout platform. Thanks to ClassPass Live, users have unlimited things like HIIT workouts and other online classes available to stream right at home.


For all those hardcore runners or bikers who don’t mind being outside during the colder months to sneak in a workout, Strava is the best workout app for you. Rather than struggle with figuring out which route to choose, this app gives users access to some that are curated by other athletes on the app, which you can use to challenge yourself or compete with others.


For those guys looking to bulk up this winter season, FitBod will help you make those gains! Using sophisticated artificial intelligence, FitBod takes any of your past workouts to recommend new exercises that you can try to help reach goals. It’s a pretty awesome motivator.


For those who are fans of doing fitness classes, then Aaptive might be the top option for you while working out. Similar to the aforementioned ClassPass, this audio-only apps gives you access to the top fitness instructors on the planet, bringing their personal studio to anywhere you are. With over 2,500 unique routines, you’ll have plenty of options to diversify your workouts.


With all the craziness you have going on in your life, Sworkit understands it can be tough to sneak in some workout time. That means you no longer have an excuse for missing out on a good sweat session, as this workout app allows you to customize workouts that can range from five-to-60 minutes long. Sworkit also adapts to different fitness levels, with videos from real personal trainers to help stay on top of your goals.


For all you runners out there, RunKeeper is a perfect way to track your activity and see how you’ve improved over time. Since starting to use this app six years ago, every single time I’ve hit the pavement and used it has been archived, showing me things like average speed/mile, full distance, splits, route and calories burned. It even connects with other friends/family on the app to challenge them for fitness goals.


Just getting into the whole gym thing? We know it can be intimidating, so Freeletics makes sure you aren’t intimidated by lifting weights in front of some mega meathead guy. That’s because this workout app offers a digital persona trainer that’s all available on your phone, giving you different routines to try from anywhere, anytime.


Although MyFitnessPal isn’t technically a workout app, it still helps motivate men to eat healthier and practice better eating habits. That’s right, this app tracks everything you’re eating and makes sure you stick to your nutrition plan, even offering suggestions on what foods to eat. With its connectivity function, it even synchs up with the more common workout apps for men.

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