Common signs of gonorrhea for men to look for

We all know how important sexual education is, but, unfortunately, we don’t take enough time to understand how to protect ourselves. Even worse, if we ever actually contract an STI, there are some symptoms that we don’t even know about, unsure of how to take the necessary steps to treat the diseases.

Since gonorrhea is one of the more popular STIs out there, it’s critical to know some of the common signs of gonorrhea, which will be helpful in both identifying and then taking care of the symptoms. It’s not the easiest thing to address, but here are some things that men should look for when dealing with the common STI — which is treatable, so it’s not the end of the world if you happen to contract it.

Pain or burning while peeing

One of the most common signs of gonorrhea, we’re not saying you should freak out if your urethra burns after peeing once, but, it it persists, it’s best to go get checked by the doctor — especially if you recently had unprotected sex. Remember, too, oral sex can lead to contracting the STI as well, so don’t shrug off a burning sensation while peeing just because you didn’t have vaginal sex.

Inflammation in the testicles and scrotum

When caught (and treated) quickly enough, there are certain symptoms that can be prevented. However, for guys who either don’t know, or refuse, treatment, gonorrhea can spread to surrounding areas of the penis, like the scrotum and testicles. If you notice this, get to the doctor as soon as possible.

An itchy butt

Yep, believe it or not, gonorrhea can impact more than just your penile region. One of the rare symptoms of the STI in men is an itchy butt, as the STI can also affect the rectum. If this occurs, anal itching and/or discharge and blood may occur, which is usually accompanied by paying while going to the bathroom.

A sore throat

As mentioned above, oral sex is another way in which gonorrhea can be contracted, so don’t think you’re in the clear just because you’re using protection during vaginal sex. If you’ve gone down on your and feel like your throat might be swelled up, go to the doctor just to be safe.

Sharp pain in your abdomen

Obviously, all that stuff down and around your penis are connected inside of you, so it’s not surprisingly to see that pain in your abdomen may be a sign of gonorrhea. This may not occur right away, but if it coincides with some of the other symptoms listed above, it’d be smart to head to the doctor.

How can I treat the signs of gonorrhea?

There are several ways that you can treat the signs of gonorrhea, with the most common being simple antibiotics — which some places offer for free to help eliminate the STI and prevent it from spreading through sexual activity. In fact, it’s actually the law for healthcare professionals to report the infection to the county public health department, which then will treat the symptoms. The STI typically stays in the body for a couple of weeks — even after treatment of the symptoms.

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