sex health

There are now self-lubricating condoms that are supposed to help reduce STIs

Practicing positive and safe sex health is important to help eliminate the transferring of STIs, unwanted pregnancies and other infections,…

Lack of sleep can seriously impact your sex life: Here’s how

Your sex life is an important part of your well-being. You don't really need us to tell you that, but,…

Can the fall season positively impact your sex life? Sure can, and we tell you how

Ever wonder if your sex life is better during one season than another? For instance, the spring and summer seem…

How your brain is impacted during sex

Sex might be physical, but, as many of us know as we get older, it's much more of an emotional…

Guy shares gruesome story about how he broke his penis

Just hearing the words "broken penis" probably sends shivers up and down your spine. After all, guys go to great…

Everything you should know about sex addiction

Sex addiction might have some detractors, with many wondering if it's just an excuse some people use to avoid responsibility…

Wonder how many calories you burn during sex? It’s less than you might think (sorry)

So many people wonder the amount of calories burned during sex. Even if you don't have sex that often, or…

Common signs of gonorrhea for men to look for

We all know how important sexual education is, but, unfortunately, we don't take enough time to understand how to protect…

Where to find the clitoris and how it works

If you're a guy and don't know where the clitoris is, you're not alone. In fact, too many guys are…

Some lady in England just contracted a rare, flesh-eating STD

A very rare, flesh-eating STD has been found in England, as some woman from the town of Southport was diagnosed…

The best ways to improve your sex life, per health experts

There are plenty of ways to improve sex life, but lots of guys struggle with trying to juggle all the information…

12 sex terms and what they mean

Remember that awkward moment when, while still in middle school, you were forced to sit through some sex education class…

How stress impacts your sex life

Stress impacts plenty of aspects in our lives, as it can consume our minds and lead to panic or anxiety…

Guys are using physical therapy to overcome erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is something that every man fears happening at some point in his life. In fact, it's so common…

The health benefits of kinky sex will make you want to do it even more now

We're not sure why we're on such a kinky sex kick lately, but, because it's been on our mind so…