relationship advice

5 easy mistakes that could ruin your relationship

Relationships more often that not break down over a slow period of time. Maybe there are a few big fights…

How do I buy lingerie for my girlfriend without feeling embarrassed?

Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary or just a surprise, buying your significant lady some lingerie as a present is always…

How do I get my girlfriend to spend more time with me?

Everyone has had a phase in their relationship when they've felt that they haven't spent enough time with their partner.…

How do I make my girlfriend happy in a long distance relationship?

  My girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, I am studying in Europe while she is studying…

Dating in the Office: How do I ask my coworker out?

You've probably heard all sorts of things about dating in the workplace. Mostly people saying things like "Dont'!" but the…

Cookie Questions: How do I stop sleeping with my ex?

I'm sure more than a few of us have experienced post break-up sex. Sometimes it can be a nice way…

Cookie Questions: How do I fix low libido and bring back my sex life?

This week I received and extremely sweet email from a fan, who also asked me for some advice. He and…

Last minute Valentines Day gift ideas

It's that time of year again guys, that last week before Valentines Day and you've realised you've once again left…

Cookie Questions: How do I make my long distance relationship work?

There is more often or not, a time in our lives when we have to consider a long distance relationship.…

Cookie Questions: I had a date with a girl, how long do I wait before I ask her out again?

Ah. The ever relevant "how long do I wait" question. This is a funny part about relationships and dating, something…

Cookie Questions: I’m dating a girl, she’s so nice and perfect but I’m not attracted to her. What do I do?

New Question sent into me today! This is a very common dilemma, and I think most people experience it once…