
Sorry, guys, but your sex life is being policed by payment processors

If it seems as if everything you do is being tracked and monitored these days, you're not alone. Hell, the…

Foods that help you sleep better

It's funny how a bad night's sleep can lead to so many frustrations throughout the next day, isn't it? Think…

Guys, here’s why your bum seems to itch all the time

You know that itchy bum hole that's been causing you lots of frustration and, probably, a burning sensation between your…

How to dress for the fall (and look handsome AF)

It's sad to admit it, gents, but summer is slowly coming to an end. In fact, in just a few…

The best workout apps to stay in shape as summer ends

With the summer officially turning to fall here in about a week, a lot of us are going to wonder…

Ways to motivate yourself and accomplish everything you want to

Motivating yourself can be tricky, we get that. But, as we deal with so much negativity, comparison, jealousy, insecurity and…

Common signs of gonorrhea for men to look for

We all know how important sexual education is, but, unfortunately, we don't take enough time to understand how to protect…

How to avoid becoming so damn codependent

Codependency is a bad trap to fall into, guys. We know that many of us don't think we show traits…

Nicki Minaj needs a man who can get her off a lot

Musician Nicki Minaj isn't one to shy away from showing off her next level sex appeal. From outlandish (and revealing)…

How to properly wear cologne

So many guys, even as they get older, still don't know how to wear cologne the right way. Maybe that's…

Shaving my head has “freed” me and given me even more confidence

Shaving my head has freed me! Yep, I actually just wrote that, but, just a few months ago, I would've…

Daily habits that successful men do everyday

Look, we all measure and define success differently, but, for the majority of us, the word means confidence, leadership and, in…

The science behind hot selfies

Hot selfies are always important if and when you're turning the camera on yourself and sending a pic or video…

What to know about testosterone boosters

As men age, plenty of them see decreasing levels of testosterone, which is the main hormone associated with muscle mass, strength gains,…

Personal hygiene mistakes men keep making

We all know how important practicing good personal hygiene is, yet, for some reason, we don't always follow suit. Sometimes, that's…