
Guys, here’s why your bum seems to itch all the time

You know that itchy bum hole that's been causing you lots of frustration and, probably, a burning sensation between your…

Wonder how many calories you burn during sex? It’s less than you might think (sorry)

So many people wonder the amount of calories burned during sex. Even if you don't have sex that often, or…

The best workout apps to stay in shape as summer ends

With the summer officially turning to fall here in about a week, a lot of us are going to wonder…

Common signs of gonorrhea for men to look for

We all know how important sexual education is, but, unfortunately, we don't take enough time to understand how to protect…

What to know about testosterone boosters

As men age, plenty of them see decreasing levels of testosterone, which is the main hormone associated with muscle mass, strength gains,…

Personal hygiene mistakes men keep making

We all know how important practicing good personal hygiene is, yet, for some reason, we don't always follow suit. Sometimes, that's…

UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell had an unfortunate scrotum injury after using a power tool

If you were to hear the words testicular rupture, you would probably worry that something painful just happened to your…

Can changing seasons impact your mental health?

Mental health has become a mainstream issue that more and more guys are speaking out about — and this is…

Body changes to expect happening once you turn 30 years old

Let's face it, you're no longer as spry as you once was when younger, with your mind and body going…

Is pulling out during sex actually smart?

Pulling out during sex might be one of the more popular moves for millennials, who, for some reason, think that…

Is my penis normal? 5 signs to look for

Is my penis normal? That's a question that many guys seem to ask themselves more frequently than we'd like to…

A man’s guide to ear grooming

There are plenty of men's grooming tips out there for guys to follow in order to stay nice and, uh, unhairy.…

Wanna be smarter? Drink up, ’cause heavier boozers are smarter (per study)

Drinking alcohol, especially after a long week of work, is one of the better feelings a man can have. We're…

Fighting bad breath by keeping it fresh all day is pretty simple

Bad breath may not be something every guy thinks about all of the time, but, rest assured, it can be…

Understanding the importance of self-acceptance

Mental health seems to be on everyone's minds these days, especially when it comes to guys. After all, times are…