In this week's Sugarcookie Show Harriet Sugarcookie learns Spanish, meets pornstar Jimena Lago, hangs out with Unilad & Cosmopolitan, she makes a blanket fo...
Episode 8 "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" of Star Trek Discovery is the penultimate mid-season finale. That is, this episode sets out to set up the climatic mid-sea...
Both The Orville and Star Trek Discovery are settling into their series, and fans are still wondering which is more Star Trek. Whilst Discovery is part of the o...
The news is currently on a sexual harassment binge. Everyone in every industry is a target as more women are coming forward with their stories. The situation ma...
Dirty talk can either intensify a sexual experience or turn it into something out of a cheesy 70's porn movie. I'll show some creative ways to express your inne...
It's Halloween again. That time of year when girls dress up as sexy pumpkins, or sexy cats, or sexy rolls of toilet paper. For guys, however, it can be a bit tr...
Episode 7 of Star Trek Discovery is a great stand-alone episode that brings back Harry Mudd mixed with time loop magic. It's fun, has emotional character develo...
Crowdfunding subscription platform Patreon censorship policy is changing to become stricter against adult content. This includes those making pornography throug...
In this week's video blog Harriet Sugarcookie explains why you probably have herpes, how she's now going to the gym and she examines inter-political relationshi...
So your friend's single and you think you've found them the perfect match. We could all use a little nudge in the right direction sometimes... But nobody wants ...
This week's episode "Lethe" focuses on Michael Burnham and her adoptive Vulcan father Sarek. A classic episodic formula, it builds upon character development. ...
Larry Flynt offers $10 million to anyone who has information that will lead the Trump's impeachment. In other news this week, sex-related injuries have almost ...
Herpes can be considered one of the biggest epidemics in the world. You probably have one form of it or another. But we never talk about herpes, and the stigma ...
Blade Runner 2049 is about K, a replicant tasked with hunting other replicants. The case he is given sets him on a road which brings his own past into question...
With more Trek elements than before, episode 5 really gets Star Trek Discovery into its stride. "Choose your pain" follows the kidnapping and rescue of Captain ...
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