Arthur Currie is the son of a lighthouse-keeper and a Princess of Atlantis. He has inherited his mother’s underwater powers and, with them, the identity of the...
DC's answer to Marvel's The Avengers brings us the Justice League. In the aftermath of Superman's death, Batman puts together a team of enhanced individuals in ...
Diana, daughter of Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, is born to warriorhood despite her mother’s misgivings. When Steve Trevor’s plane crashes on the hidden islan...
Gotham’s saviour, Batman, can triumph against villains galore, but his greatest battle is keeping his distance from those who care about him.
I must confess ...
I have been debating whether or not to review this comic. DC does mutliverse story arcs every so often, and I can't say I've ever really got into them. When Mor...
If you're a fan of DC, comics, Batman or in anyway inclined to be part of the comic world then you've probably heard the big announcement. Batgirl has had a who...
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