
The importance of building your personal brand (and how to actually do it)

Personal branding might be something that most of us associate more with companies than individuals, but in a day and…

Keys to giving a laugh-out-loud best man’s speech

Congratulations, one of your best friends is getting married and you've been chosen to be his best man. While that's…

How to ask for (and get) a much deserved raise

Wanting to ask for a raise at work and actually knowing how to ask for a raise at work are…

Why do my balls itch all the time? We offer up some reasons

Ever sit there with your hands down your pants while watching TV and think to yourself, "why do my balls…

How to remove ingrown hairs without crying like a baby

One of the most painful feelings that a man can experience is an ingrown hair. Looking like a zit on…

Guys, here’s why your bum seems to itch all the time

You know that itchy bum hole that's been causing you lots of frustration and, probably, a burning sensation between your…

How to dress for the fall (and look handsome AF)

It's sad to admit it, gents, but summer is slowly coming to an end. In fact, in just a few…

The best workout apps to stay in shape as summer ends

With the summer officially turning to fall here in about a week, a lot of us are going to wonder…