It's the 20th anniversary since the first Harry Potter book was released today. To celebrate it, I've collected the best Harry Potter pick-up lines for you to u...
I've been thinking about trying out Twitch again. However, before jumping back in I think it would be good to check out some other streamers and see how they do...
As summer approaches us it's the perfect time to plan a romantic holiday for you and your partner. But to have a romantic holiday there are things you can do to...
The BDSM community is large and diverse, so it takes someone quite special to truly stand out. Enter Madame Margherite and her human pets. She and her pets are ...
Almost everyone that's reading this article masturbates. Masturbating is a natural and healthy part of life. Many people, however, believe that abstaining from ...
Movie remakes are very important these days, and like every overused Hollywood trend, it's led to some triumph and absolutely terrible failures. The Total Recal...
We know that everyone loves a good takeaway. There are loads of fantastic healthier options available for you to salivate over.
Take aways are one of the un...
Guys, great news! I get to meet Paola Saulino this week as she is flying to Budapest to shoot some videos with me. For those of you who don't know, Paola is an ...
Depression is always a tricky subject to approach. It's very personal. Also very emotional. Many of us will know someone who suffers from depression and some st...
Diana, daughter of Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, is born to warriorhood despite her mother’s misgivings. When Steve Trevor’s plane crashes on the hidden islan...
There's a new boom in documentaries on the porn industry lately. Now Netflix is showing After Porn Ends 2 a sequel to After Porn Ends and follows several pornst...
There are plenty of movies out there that get sequels that just, honestly...truthfully...really don't deserve them. Fast and Furious, anyone?
Anyway, here's...
It's hard to get away from social media these days. It's the new form of communication between people. And where there's communication, there's chances for roma...
This weekend I had the pleasure of attending London MCM ComicCon 2017. On Friday I took over RedTube's snapchat. On Saturday I cosplayed Mei in a Virg...
So, it's finally here, and practically jumped into the Harriet Sugarcookie PS4! The oh-so super-powered sequel to the mega fighting game Injustice: Gods Among U...
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