Relationship books might not be the go-to solution for every guy out there who's going through issues with his girlfriend, but more men might want to reconsider...
Losing your virginity can be, uh, quite the experience. On one end, it's the first time you have sex, giving you the opportunity to live out all of those sexual...
Online dating apps and sites have been all the rage for years, but, every so often, users can find themselves a bit stuck when it comes to getting matches and l...
Talking dirty during sex is something that absolutely, positively needs to be done, guys. We're not saying it's something that should be disrespectful or demean...
Look, it's no secret that, one thing every single girl likes, it's animals. So, that got us thinking about the best pets that a guy can own in order to help att...
"Sex with car" is not something that we typically search for in Google, but, alas, when you actually do it, there are a hell of a lot of results. In fact, we us...
The Amazon Alexa is an innovated device that makes life for us humans so much easier. No, seriously, think about the "good ol' days" when we had to actually scr...
Masturbation is one of those things that all men seem to think they're pros at. While we've all been doing it since we were around age 13 or so, though, that do...
Is flirting cheating? Many guys might ask themselves this when it comes to their girlfriends. First and foremost, though; no, flirting is not cheating. Second, ...
When it comes to cheating, as we've said time and time again, it's one thing that no one should have any patience for. Not only is it the most selfish thing a p...
Dating taller girls always seems a bit intimidating for guys. We don't really know why that is —whether it's public perception or something else — but, unfortun...
First dates are never an easy thing to prep for, but, alas, we all have to suck it up, put forth our best effort and roll with the punches. Problem is, whether ...
In search for the best types of condoms to satisfy your girlfriend? We know, it can be hard, but, with a little bit of research, it can be accomplished. After a...
Losing your virginity has long been one of the great achievements by individuals, with men and women putting a strong emphasis on when and how it happened. But,...
Cheating sucks. And, whether that's physical or emotional cheating, the pain is real no matter what, leading to future distrust in relationships and months (or ...
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